Elections to the Grant Committee


Grant committee members will include 3 DAO Members in Good Standing. Grant Committee Nominations can be proposed with a member nomination in discord and a second by a member of LexDAO in Good Standing with at least 3 months membership in the DAO.

Election Process

Members will be elected via a simple majority in SnapShot

Terms in Office

Members will be elected to a 6 month term through SnapShot vote by the community

Committee Expansion or Reduction

Grant committee can be expanded (or reduced) by a simple majority vote in SnapShot and the sponsorship of 1 Operating Committee Member

  • The Grant Committee will attempt to be expanded in increments that preserve an odd number of members to ensure no split-votes

Vote of No Confidence

Members can be removed with a SnapShot “Vote of No Confidence” which will require:

  • A member ‘nomination for removal’ to be sent to the Operating Committee

  • 4 of 9 vote by the Operating Committee to second the “Vote of No Confidence”

    • At the time of a 4 of 9 vote, the Grant Committee Member would be suspended

  • Simple Majority of Community Snapshot Vote (of at least 5 business days) to edify

    • Grant Committee member(s) would be immediately removed on edified vote

Last updated