Budget Administration

Administrative Salaries

In order to satisfy the ongoing requirements of managing the Grants Committee, we have proposed a budget of $500 per month to each of the committee chairs. At present this includes 3 chairpeople responsible for the ongoing operations of the Grants Committee, collection of proposals, coordination of disbursements to approved projects, and defining the role of the Grants Committee for the future.

  • Payment will be released monthly on the 15th of the month for the prior month of service.

Grant Allocations

Grant Committee will have the ability to disburse up to $2000 per month or 10% of the total treasury budget of the DAO (whichever is less) without a member vote

Management of Grant Disbursements

Grant budgets will be allocated from the OC directly into a separate multi signature wallet

  • Allocated grant funds will not require community vote to distribute

The Grant Committee multi-signature wallet will be operated with a 2/3 majority of committee members (to be reevaluated if the committee expands)

  • One Operating Committee member not on the Grant Committee will be required for transactions greater than its monthly operating budget

The Grant Committee will request quarterly allocations from the treasury with a request summary.

  • Funds that have been allocated to the DAO through a grant or donation will be reserved for use by the Grant Committee for distribution/allocation projects.

Grant funds may be distributed to any Project Group that has submitted a formal proposal to the Grants Committee, has been sponsored by a DAO Member, and has been approved by the Grants Committee based on reasonable evaluation of the project

  • If a decision to not fund the project is reached by the Grants Committee, the proposing member shall be given a fair chance to request a vote by the membership in Snapshot

  • However, in the event of a membership vote, the proposal must clearly indicate that the Grant Committee denied the request and the reason given for the denial

  • Grants will be evaluated based on their priority, cost, feasibility, and alignment with the core mission of the DAO.

Last updated